The Lonarc Foundation, as a Not-for-Profit Foundation CIO ‘Arts & Educational’ organization (Registered Charity no 1174624), has been set up to raise patronage funds so as to be able to:
To promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art, heritage and science of wind chamber music in all its aspects in particular but not exclusively by the presentation of public concerts and recitals of wind chamber music, workshops and educational and development programmes and such other means as the trustees determine in order to make such music more accessible.
to research, discover, edit, typeset, then publish these scores (some for the first time), starting at the Schwarzenberg archives in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, the Imperial archives of Josef II in Vienna and the Lichtenstein archives, so as to increase the public learning, enthusiasm, collective knowledge and understanding of this unique treasury.
to support the professional Lonarc Ensemble musicians: Lonarc Oboe Trio (Oboes x 2 and Cor Anglais), Lonarc Wind Quintet (Flute, Oboe, Cor Anglais/Clarinet, Bassoon & Horn), and Lonarc Wind Ensemble (Flutes, Oboes, Cor Anglais/Clarinets, Bassoons, Horns x 2 of each), by supplementing their costs of training (rehearsing), using Musicians Union minimum fees as guidance, enabling the ensembles to develop their individual capabilities, competencies, skills and understanding of this music, with the aim of “producing better musicians, so that the public at large can receive the aesthetic benefits of excellent music-making” (see page 20 CC A&E guidance - Private benefits to artists and writers and others with pre-eminent skills).
to present ‘Free to Public’ concerts and educational workshops featuring the professional Lonarc Ensembles, in contracted residencies with arts or educational institutions, to increase the individual and collective knowledge, in the history and performance of classical and contemporary wind chamber music, here in the UK and beyond, whilst also shining a spotlight onto the ‘endangered species’ of the woodwind family – the oboe, bassoon and horn.
to enable the Lonarc Ensembles to honour invitations from festivals and events, here and abroad, by supplementing the travel, performance and rehearsal costs where necessary, so that the wider public of the world can receive the aesthetic benefits of their excellent music making, whilst increasing their learning, collective knowledge and understanding of this previously rarely heard music.
to commission contemporary wind chamber music pieces for the Lonarc Ensembles so creating a second ‘Golden Era of wind chamber music’, to rival that of the late 18th Century Bohemian/Viennese first ‘Golden Era’, and also compliment the existing much larger string chamber music repertoire.
to support the Lonarc Ensembles to record, press, promote and sell cds or downloadable tracks of this elegant and beautiful rich body of previously overlooked woodwind chamber music creating in some cases, the very first comprehensive professional recordings of this repertoire; to also post a good selection of these recordings on “free to public” streaming internet sites, so advancing the education and aesthetic pleasure of the public more fully, with easily accessible perfomances of this newly resuscitated, specific genre of music.
set up the Lonarc Foundation, in such a way that it can survive and prosper to support, sustain, inspire and advance the collective knowledge and understanding of woodwind chamber music for many future generations to come, and hopefully also evolve to provide scholarship opportunities for young wind chamber musicians.